Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another new job!

I have been really busy lately, registering for school and orientating for a new job.

The new job is difficult, one of the hardest things I have ever done. Not difficult physically because its not, it is difficult emotionally and mentally. I am working in a home that provides 24 hour support for adults with developmental disabilities. The home I am working in provides a lot of personal care for a few of the residents which is something I have never done before. It is a job that will look good on my resume and will help me with my future schooling. Already the company I am working for has offered me a apprenticeship for a disability support worker certificate which will definitely go towards my education.

The residents of the house are so sweet. They remind me of my children. I am just trying to see them as children because when I look at them as adults it makes me uncomfortable when I have to change or bathe them. This is something I am working on.

The job pays well but the hours aren't regular because I am only an on call relief support. That works out really well for me though with the kids and my school. I can choose to take shifts if I wish and if I don't have something already booked. I have kept my job at Malivoire as a steady pay check as well. Although, from what I have seen so far I probably will get a lot of hours with the other job so I am not worried right now.

I am glad to be working so much and I hope that I can manage it all long enough for us to get ahead a bit. Its been hard with the lack of money me working full time brings in. We have been really struggling and our debt has started to build up again even though we have worked hard to keep it down.